Can Someone Hack Your Paypal Account With Your Email Address

If you have a paypal account, then this guide should be very useful to you, trust me, you need to spend time reading this to the end for your safety while using your paypal account,

When I first wanted to open my paypal account, I wondered for a while and asked myself, can someone hack your paypal account with your email address?

I wondered this because, after creating your paypal account, someone only needs your email in order to send you money, and I was asking myself if there is any security guarding paypal accounts,

because I know that, email addresses can easily be hacked which is the main reason why I was scared of using paypal.

And that’s why I did some research to find out if it will be possible for someone to hack my paypal account using just my email address. And here is the short answer

Yes, someone can hack your paypal account using your email address, the hacker can use phishing websites, email spamming etc in order to acquire your password, and if the person have access to your email password, the person can have the full access to your paypal account.

So my friends, if you don’t know anything about this, seize this opportunity and read this information, because it will help you stay alert while using your paypal account

What can someone do with your paypal email Once someone have access to your paypal email, he can do whatever he want with your paypal account, which is a very good reason to protect your email address, don’t send your email address to people you don’t know, they can use phishing or email spamming to trick you of giving them your password unknowingly

Remember that when you are logging to your paypal account the only thing you need to input are your email and password, and if those hackers have access to your password, they can log into your account anytime they feel like to,

And they can change your password and transfer all your funds or use your paypal account to place orders online and leave you with an empty balance, it happened to one  paypal user who took his complain to paypal check it out here

Is it safe to give someone your paypal email

It is good to know whether it is safe to send your paypal email to someone or not, if I say no, then how can you get paid? And if I say yes, then how would you know whether the person will not hack your paypal account

So it is a bit tricky to answer this question, however, you should use your head also, I don t see any reason why you should send your paypal email to random people,

unless if your friend or parent want to send you some money  and requested for your paypal account, or you finished working for a trusted client and he asked you for your paypal account in order for you to get paid for your work

so it is not safe to send your paypal email to people unless you are doing it for a very good reason, when someone wants to send you money and requested for your paypal address,
you can send them the email, but you should make sure the person is a trusted, if there is anything unusual about the person, you better stay clear

Can you get scammed by giving someone your paypal

One thing friends and families can do is borrow each others paypal for transactions and then repay later, now that is honesty, but you can get scammed in this process too, for example, if your friend asked you for your paypal address to receive money from someone else

Because you don’t know who the person is, it could be possible that it is someone that is planning to scam your friend, and if your friend sends your email to them, they can use it as a means to hack your paypal account and transfer the money from it

Yes, if you give people access to your email, they can use it carelessly and end up having your account hijacked by hackers, so always know who you are giving access to your paypal account

What should I do if I find out my paypal account is being hacked

So as your paypal account can be hacked, what can you do to get your account off the hands of the hackers? Sometimes when people hack your account you will never notice unless they make changes to the account, for example, if they make a purchase or transfer with your paypal account

And from the moment you realize anything suspicious about your account, you should take immediate action about it, you can change your account or contact paypal for help

How can I keep my paypal account safe

So as they say, safety first, in order to prevent any of these hackers from hacking your paypal account, you need to stay alert and stay focused, if you usually use café’s for logging into your paypal account, I will advise you to quit the act

That’s why me I don’t like using the café, it Is not safe, at all, because it is a public computers that you are using to log into your personal paypal account, which to me makes absolutely no sense. Here are the things you should do to keep your paypal account safe

Use strong password

Because some people who are close to you can somehow easily guess your password, so it is advisable to make your password strong, avoid using your name, date of birth, parents name etc, don’t use anything that can be easily guessed, in my case,

I suggest you include upper case and lower case letters, numbers, abbreviation marks, just mix things up and write it down in somewhere you can easily run access to recover your password

Update your paypal account

The best way to keep your account safe is by updating your paypal account, when you do this, you will have access to set a security question which can also help increase security for your paypal account, if you want to know how to update your paypal account,

Don’t share your email with random people

Avoid sharing your email address with random people, not only people, you should also don’t sign up on random sites with your email address, do you know that even facebook can be cloned and used to get your information?

Hackers can clone facebook website and send it to you, when you do this and try to log in, they have your login details, someone can still clone paypal website and use it to scam you, so whenever you are about to log into your paypal account,

Look at the url and make sure it begins with a https, if you cant find https or see http instead, then you should never submit your log in details

Don’t lend your paypal account to anyone

Instead of lending your friend or your sibling your paypal account to make payment or get paid, why not create one for them, it is more appropriate, you can easily help them create their own paypal account instead of giving them your account to make transactions with


So that’s it, you’ve learned how to keep your paypal account safe and have finally known that it is possible for someone to use your email to scam your paypal account

so you should also do someone good by sharing this helpful post with them in order to help them secure their paypal account,
finally, if you have any question, please feel free to leave it below

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