10 best foods for children

As a parent you always want to give the best of everything to your child. However when it comes to diet, there is really nothing that is best for every baby. Actually, the diet that is most suitable for your child is the best for that. Food should be according to the age of the child. Experts suggest that you should not start solid food before the age of six months. After this, semi-solid food should be gradually added to his diet.

Along with this, every food item suitable for the baby should be given its best. Unless the child has been proven to be allergic to any food item, you should not reject it completely. Because this is the time when his eating habits will develop for a lifetime. So keep a mixed diet in your baby's plate. Sometimes sit down and see what he naturally eats by lifting from his plate. Every baby's interest and inclination to taste varies.

Best foods for babies

Keeping the above things in mind, we have made a list of 10 foods that you can include in the diet for weaning. These are based on the approval of experts. They also provide essential nutrition to the baby and they are also excellent in taste.

However, do not give everything at once. Move slowly. To understand any allergic reaction, keep a gap of three days between each two new foods.

You should also consult your pediatrician to get more information about the best diet to meet the important health needs of a six-month-old baby.

Feeding The Beast

It is a diet that includes all aspects of nutrition necessary for the first year of infant life. It is also necessary to develop his immunity. However, it is low in iron and after six months, when the baby is more agile and moving, it cannot provide adequate nutrition. This is a time when you have to start feeding the best foods for the child's brain development and weight gain.

Recommended age

  • Complete breastfeeding for the first six months
  • If possible, continue breastfeeding with a liquid, semi-solid, solid diet until it is 12 months or more.


What could be an ideal first 'green' meal for a growing child? Avocados, because they are rich in good fat (monounsaturated) more than any other fruit / vegetable and they also have a lot of protein.

It is also great for a busy new mother because:

  • High fat content keeps baby's belly full for hours
  • It doesn't even need to be cooked

Recommended age

Starting six months

Iron fortified serials

When babies are born, there is an accumulation of iron in their body, which ends after 6 months. At that time start an iron-rich diet. Apart from this, mother's milk is also low in iron. Iron-rich grains like rice, oat groats and barley fill this gap. Start with any one. Some people recommend giving rice, as it usually does not cause any allergies.

Recommended age

It is good to start at the age of six months.

Red meat

Red meat is a source of protein, iron, riboflavin, niacin, vitamin B6 and zinc. The nutrients found in animal flesh are important for keeping the brain tight, bones and muscle development. So, the child's first meal should be only vegetable, it is a myth, because they cannot easily digest the iron from the plants.

Red meat should be cooked very well so that it can be easily eaten and digested. Remove a small piece of bone from the mixture.

Recommended age

12 months and above.


The small broccoli flowers fall into the grip of the little fingers of the children. Cook and soften the broccoli. It is rich in vitamin C but it should be cooked in steam or microwave. Boiling kills half of its vitamins. It also contains beta-carotene, folic acid, iron, potassium, and fiber.

Some children may not like the taste of broccoli. To make it more attractive, you can adopt the following measures:
  • Mix it with sweet vegetables like carrot and sweet potato
  • Cook and keep in the fridge when cold. However, if the child is at risk of getting a cold early, or if the weather is generally cold, do not give the refrigerator anything cold.

Recommended age

8-10 months

sugar beets

Beetroot contains vitamin C, vitamin A, calcium, potassium, magnesium, and folic acid. It is one of the naturally sweet vegetables, which children like to eat. After boiling or frying it is best for the child to give beetroot in the form of juice or pulp.

Recommended age

Beetroot contains nitrates, which are not suitable for infants before 7 months, as they can cause anemia. The best time to start beet is 8–10 months.

Sweet potato

Children often do not like the taste of some vegetables. If you start by giving the child a vegetarian diet, there may be some resistance. For this start it with some naturally sweet taste like sweet potato. These provide potassium, vitamin C and fiber. They also contain beta-carotene, which is an antioxidant, which protects against certain types of cancer. Mash it well so that this first vegetable intake is tasty for the child.

Recommended age

6 months


It is such a food that the child is eager to eat on seeing it. Bananas are easy to feed, 'very' sweet, rich in nutrients and help clean the stomach. This source is:
  • Of energy because it is rich in carbohydrates
  • Of digestive elements, as it is a store of fiber
They are one of the best weight gain meals for infants from 6 to 9 months.

Crush the ripe banana and give it to the child. Sliced bananas can be given as finger food to older children.

Recommended age

6 months because it is easy to digest.

dried plum

You may know that dry plummet babies like it because they are soft and sweet. The best part of it is that it contains lots of fiber, which is a natural cure for constipation. This often happens when children are moving from a semi-solid diet to a solid diet.

Recommended age

6-8 months, as they are easy to digest and there are no reports of allergy risk.


Feed the eyes of your child by feeding carrots because it contains a lot of beta-carotene, which goes into the body and turns it into vitamin A necessary for healthy eyesight. Beta-carotene is also an antioxidant that gives carrots an orange color.

Carrots are also a great first meal for children due to their natural sweetness. Carrots should be boiled until they become soft enough. Then cut it into pieces or make puree and give it to the baby. Make sure the boiled carrots are completely cold before being given to the baby.

Recommended age

6-8 months

Keep in mind that there is no fixed collection of foods or rules for the child. Every child needs strength and energy in old age. Experiment with different nutritious foods by feeding them and find out what is the best food for your baby.

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