In this article we are going to discuss about top Most popular Domains extensions. So there is a vast amount of domain extensions on the internet, so a domain extension is the suffix or can be said last part of any website name of a web address the domain is from. We can see that the domain extension that it holds shows the website is commercial and a part of the UK.
It would be hard to decide against choosing to use .com as your extension, but with the popularity and authority that comes with the domain extension, it provides domain with the extension .com be sold for extremely high prices. However if you can not justify paying the high premium for the extensions there are multiple viable options available. So let start this topic to know top domain extensions.
Top 10 Most Popular Domain Extensions
1 .com
This is far the most commonly used domain extension, and this domain extension is for commercial business. If you are using it as a domain for your website then you have opportunity to be able to own a .com extension, you should get it. Using it can be hard to decide against choosing to use .com as your extension, but with the popularity and authority that cones with the domain extension, it provides domain with the extension .com to be sold for extremely high prices. This one domain extension is too popular among people so it carry trust giving it a slight authority boost over lesser used or uncommon extensions.
2 .net
.net is a domain extension which is much like the extensions .com and it is used by all the website runners. There is a high associate of .net with technology and web based services die to which it would mean the .net extension would be best suited for websites that are within the technology niche. A greater chance is provided by the .net which a desired technology related domain is available and at a more reasonable price to the .con alternative, which is the best thing to be a popular domain extensions.
3 .org
This one domain extension is also very popular which is used by all. This extension as originally used for not for profit organisations such as charities. This domain extension does not work with the business type. This domain extension is so heavily associated with community and knowledgeable website , which is trying to run an E- commerce website with the .org extension would lead to misdirection and confusion of consumers. It is often popular choice of extension for many non government not for profit, political party or online community type or of organisations which are best suited with the .org extension.
4 .gov
The domain extension is over tine dot .gov became standard protocol for any government department, agencies, program, federally recognized tribes, US territories, cities, towns, countries and parishes, and this is derived from the word government which is restricted for American government bodies.
5 .mil
This is the another one domain extension which is derived from the word military. The DOD users .gov as it’s homepage and then employs three second level domain extension the .mil domain for DOD , pentagon and defence, and the other country must use second level domain extensions as well.
6 .APP
This is am app extension which let you extend custom functionality and content beyond you App and make it available to users while they are interacting with apps or the system. Using .app as domain extension you can create an app extension which provides a custom keyboard that users can use in place of the iOS system keyboard. Using .app users posts post to your social service from a web browser you can allow a share extension.
7 .int
This domain extension name int is a sponsored top kevel domain in the domain name system of the Internet. The first use of domain was by NATO, which had previously been assigned the top level domain extension NATO. The domain extension .int is considered to have the strictest application policies of all TLDs, as it implies that the holder is a subject of international law. For which the application procedure requires the applicant to allows evidence that is indeed treat ty based by serving a United Nations treaty registration number and that it has independent legal status.
8 .co
The .co domain extension is originally the use the country code for Columbia but has become a popular and well used domain extensions among people to use for other business. It is less sought after than the vastly used .com, this would give you more flexibility in choice for you domain extension name if you are not yet fully settled in a name, and also provided by .co a smaller price tag, where the .co domain an often be misused with consumers force of habit placing an M after it possibly leading your consumers to a different website.
9 Country Code
This is classed as Local TLDs , which is geographically specific to the locations of where the website is form. Choosing a code opposed to a .con extension would be best suited to a smaller looking to work only the regions of the code that it is in. This is an important thing when it comes to popular domain extension which would mean that an international E- Commerce website would not be able to efficiently run on a singular country code.
10 .edu
This one domain extension was first created for educational institutions all over the world, where American education institute adapted the .edu, non US educational institutions used a Country level domain instead. This was limited to four Year post educational institute and .edu registration to accredited American postsecondary educational institutions.
In this article we knew about top 10 domain extensions which is most popular, so this article will help you finding the best domain name for your website. So before getting domain extensions for your website ust go through this article which will help you.