Linux :
Linux is an opensource operating system and all of it is driven by community of developers and even the users of Linux are mostly developers and are tech-enthusiast who loves to have deep knowledge about the operating system they want.
It's an operating system developed by Microsoft and it is mainly used by vast variety of home users and office users who just use the operating system to just complete their task.Also, Windows is not an opensource operating system.
Why Linux is safe compared to Windows ?
- The answer is already given the introduction but the question arises why opensource is safe when compared to closed source system ? Because opensource technologies have no restrictions on the user regarding any type of work they can do whatever they want in their os but on the other-hand on closed-source os you are vendor locked by the manufacturer and you cannot make any prior changes in it.
- As far as operating system share Windows lead with the highest margin and that's the reason most of the viruses are developed for Windows and most Windows PC's are hacked because of its huge user-base.
- Linux users are little bit techie and they always search for problems in their machine and that's the reason most of the time Linux remain safe.
Then Linux is Safe ?
At some level it is secure but it can be unsafe as day by day the users of Linux are increasing but one thing is unique for Linux is it's users who have good knowledge about the operating system and this makes it secure.