Top 5 Best foods for Rapid Fat Loss March 2021

Hey Good morning everyone, Today I will be telling you 5 best foods that you can eat to undergo fat loss, So let's start

Boiled Potatoes -

As we all know potatoes are used in cooking and that too in almost all the vegetarian dishes.
 They are a very rich source of carbohydrates and provides you a very high amount of energy.
 They are also rich in minerals and vitamins. And provides you a feeling of fullness and you don't eat other food items

Beans or Pulses

The easiest way to get Slim is to exercises as we all know but to add a boost to it you should eat pulses  as they are a very rich source of proteins and also helps in muscle repair and fat loss
the best way to eat pulses is to let them soak into the water for overnight and in the morning eat it with lemon and before sleep eat it Raw

Apple Cider Vinegar

So everyone has heard of Apple Cider Vinegar but have you ever used it....? Answer me in the Comment section
So This product is one of the best products which helps in fat loss it can be added to a salad For consumption. This product increases metabolism and decreases fat storage in our bodies. 
A study has shown that consuming apple cider vinegar can result in a fat loss for approximately 3kg in just 2 months 


Oats are highly nutritious edible products, these contain multiple minerals and vitamins. The best thing about oats is that it contains healthy fats and makes your body healthy and strong.
Studies have shown that consuming healthy fats is more important as these healthy fats are a rich source of energy in our body.


At last, the most important edible item is fruits especially those who contain vitamin C or you can say citrous fruits ling Orange, Kinu, etc
All these fruits, when consumed daily in the morning, will help you in fat reduction to a very large extent. And if you have a habit of running or walking in the morning then this trick is best for your body within a few weeks you will be losing fat at a very rapid rate...

Bonus tip - We all try to get results but for that, we should consistently try hard every day with full devotion without cheating your soul
Wish you best of luck

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