Top 10 cool instagram tips and tricks which may help and change the way you use Instagram. There are few things in Instagram which are not used, but they are very useful. When you know about them it comes like a trick. Instagram is the most used app for photo sharing. Most of the people in the world are using Instagram but if you use it smartly than you should read it completely.
1. Untag yourself
On Instagram now a days, a trend is going on in which people tag you in the photo even some time you are not in these photos and sometimes you don't want to share it with your followers in this critical situation you can Untag yourself from a hoto or video
To Untag you from a photo, you should do
Step 1: open that photo
Step 2: click on three dot showing on the left top corner
Step 3: click to hide option
Step 4: that just click on remove me from the post
2. Turn off active status
we are using Instagram direct message instead of other apps and the
same as the other apps same problem is coming in Instagram also the
active status, but Instagram updated it and now you can hide your
active status from other users sometimes we don't want to share active
status so now you can I directive status there are a few steps to do
Step 1: open your profile, click on three dots showing on laptop corner then select setting
Step 2: now click on privacy
Step 3: click on activity status
Step 4: turn off the activity status
is used on a larger scale now the question is about its security now
Instagram updated it and there is two factor authentication Same as
WhatsApp it will increase your account security and prevent hackers to
hack your account we all should activate it in our Instagram account
there are a few steps to activate
Step 1: open your profile, then click on the three dots showing on the top left corner then to set the option
Step 2: click on the security option
Step 3: click on the two factor authentication
4. Add unique fonts to your instagram Bio
bio is the most important Instagram profile everyone will see your
profile and it will definitely it's your bio it should be attractive to
your followers you should update it and its look cool and attractive
for that you can use some special characters and font and emoji there
is a website which provide all these things I will give its link just
below. Go to the website and write what do you want in a profile
Website: lingojam
Website: lingojam
5. Save Story
Instagram stories touch our hearts which we want to save but we can't
able to take a screenshot if you take a screenshot it will comes black
in this situation we can take help from my app from which we can save
stories of Instagram which are shown in account, we have to just
download app from Play Store name of the app is story saver for
Instagram we have to just download this app and sign in when you open it
you will see all the tourist visa friend in your account we have to
just select auto save option and save the story which you want
App link: story saver for instagram
6. Add Hashtags like a Pro
Simply download hashtag like a pro app on your mobile and get hashtags according to your photos
App link: Top Tags for Likes
7. Saving Data While Using Instagram
Now you can use your install in data saving mode, you do just
step1: open setting
step2: click on account
step3: now just click on cellular data use
8. Save Instagram Photos
If you want to save others photo from instgram then you should try the drag app for this work it is available in polyester just going and download
9. Rainbow text for Instagram stories
stories feature has gotten a lot of useful and interesting features
over the past couple of years, and one of them is writing rainbow text on Instagram stories. It’s refreshing to look at an otherwise boring single-colored text as every color shows up in a different shade. Here’s how you can do it –
- Start by taking a picture and write the text that you want to the people to read.
- Now, tap and select the text that you just added to your story.
- Once you do that, hold one finger on one of the colors until a gradient pops up.
- Now, hold the other end of the cursor at the same time, and move both your fingers towards the opposite end until your text gets filled with the gradient rainbow colors. Here’s what it’ll look like –
Yes, it’s a little tricky to get but the text looks really good once you execute it properly.
10. Hide your story from a follower
if you want to hide your story from anyone than you can use this trick
step1: open profile of a person you want to hide a story from him
step2: click on three dot on right side
step3: then select hide your story
if you want to hide your story from anyone than you can use this trick
step1: open profile of a person you want to hide a story from him
step2: click on three dot on right side
step3: then select hide your story