YOGA FOR INSTANT WEIGHT LOSSEveryone wants a flat and toned belly but due to our bad habits and busy schedule it is impossible for everyone to go to gym, workout and lose weight.



Along with weight loss, yoga also helps to relieve stress, which is one of the main causes of weight gain. When practiced regularly, it leaves you feeling relaxed, fresh and focused. 

Yoga brings your mind, body and breath in harmony, thereby eliminating stress from your life.

Here are 6 easy yoga asanas that you can do anywhere anytime and lose weight


Start by lying on your back, with knees bent and feet flat. With your heels firmly placed on the mat, lift your tailbone up such that your hips and lower back are off the mat. 

Place your hands under your hips and lace the fingers together. Use your glute muscles, hamstrings and abdomen to hold your bottom and back up. Release your fingers and slowly lower your tailbone back down. Relax and repeat.


Hal, which stands for a plough in Sanskrit, is the shape that the body takes when the Halasana is done. 

You may begin by lying down on a yoga mat followed by taking your legs in the upward direction till they hit the 90-degree angle. 

Now slowly push your legs in the backward direction towards your head or take someone’s assistance to do so. Exhale and you can return back to the normal position.


As the name suggests, while performing this asana, your body will take the shape of a triangle. In order to begin, take your leg and place it at a maximum distance in the left direction. 

You may now move the toe of your left foot facing the left hand side and inhale. Bend the left leg from the knee and now exhale. The position of your left palm should be next to the toe of the left foot. 

The final step would be to take your right hand straight up, touching the ear. You can breathe normally now. This asana is beneficial for the waist area of your body.


As the name suggests, your body looks like a boat when in this position. To perform the asana, lie flat on the ground with your hands by your side. Now slowly lift your upper body and legs, such that your body forms a V shape.

 Keep your hands straight, parallel to the ground. Stay in the position for 10-20 seconds.


The stomach will be the area that primarily takes the weight while performing this asana. To begin with it, lie down on a yoga mat on your stomach with your chin touching the ground. 

Bend both your legs and keep them away at a considerable distance holding them firmly from the ankle. 

Now inhale and exhale pulling the legs in the upward direction. The body must be stretched and the neck pushed backwards. 

Make sure you do not jerk any part of the neck or back.


Holding a plank may be one of the best ways to strengthen your core. It may not look like much, but drop into plank and it won’t take long to feel it in your abs.

 Subtle adjustments can increase the intensity even more.
Energetically draw your heels and the top of your head in opposite directions and keep your chest moving forward between your arms. Do this daily for develop rock-hard abs

Practicing these asanas on a regular basis can aid weight loss. In case you are unsure of the accurate way of doing these postures, you must consult an expert so as not to cause any physical injury to your body.

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