How to Increase height 5 factors to do so

How to Increase height

There are several factors on which your height depends. 60 to 80% of your height depends upon your parent's factor and the rest depend upon the environmental condition.

At the age of puberty, the height of a boy or girls grows at the rate of 4 inches per year. But everyone grows at a different pace.

How to Increase height 5 factors to do so

 There are certain things that you can do to maximize your height at the age of adolescence. These things will also help you after the age of adolescence.

Eat balanced diet

If you don't know what is balance diet should let me introduce you to a balanced diet a diet that consists of all the nutrition required to the body such a diet is known as a balanced diet.

It will help you to provide energy, various metabolic changes took place at the age of adolescents which requires high energy, this energy is provided by the balanced diet.

How to prepare a balanced diet

The right amount of sleep

A study has shown that teenagers should take sleep for 8 to 10 hours, this is necessary for their growth and other activities.

Active your body 

By activating your body the body becomes healthy and there is rapid growth in your height.

You can also play any outdoor game which will help you to grow your body and also helps to gain muscles.


Posture is one of the factors which can help you to increase your height.

A bad posture can lead to back pain also and can also decrease your growth.

So make sure that your posture should be correct. While sitting make sure your backbone should be straight.

Exercise or yoga 

Exercise or yoga can help you to increase the flexibility of your body, and it will help to increase metabolic activities by which a rapid increase in your body growth can be seen.

These are some of the factors which help you to increase your height you have to perform these activities in your daily life activities, these all are scientifically proven and surely help you to increase your height.

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